Feb 23, 2007

The road less travelled

I took this picture while hiking up at Mount Nemo. I was intrigued by the way the tree grew from the main trail. Obviously it had fallen over at one point, but still maintained enough contact with the earth to continue growing. The tree overlooked adversity and found a way to continue it's path upwards.

I try to use this image whenever faced with some adversity in life. Should I just throw my hands up in the air and give up, or find a different path to take, maybe the one less travelled, just like the tree! As long as a part of us stays centred on the ground, we can face any challenge that comes our way. Look for the less obvious, and do something with it!!

Feb 21, 2007

Learning about Learning Workshop - Gaming

I was unable to attend the entire workshop yesterday, but I was very glad to be present for the presentations in the afternoon. Listening to Krista and Jeff speak about Second Life and WoW, I began thinking of my own kids. I know, the mind wanders, but it was actually due to the content of the presentation and had me thinking about how my kids are already using computers and gaming.

My kids are 5 and 8, and already in school they have been exposed to games on the computer. Actually even before kindergarten, I had preschool games for them to play on the computer at home. As I was listening to Krista and Jeff speak about the worlds they travel to in the games and the quests their avatars tackle, I suddenly realized that this is what my kids are doing already (beit in a scaled down, basic sense). My kids also hook up their little 'gigapets' and travel through different lands and go on quests. It's amazing!

The benefit that I see right away, is the problem solving skills. Both kids are becoming very good at sitting and figuring out what they have to do and where they have to go in order to get the item requested in a particular quest. The kids have to organize their player to make sure that it is fed and healthy, or if the player needs something, the kids have to know what to give it and how. These are skills that they will be able to develop over time and be able to make use of in the 'real world'.

As Krista and Jeff finished their talks yesterday, I had to wonder what things will be like in 10-15 years when my kids are in university. I just hope that I'll be able to go along for the ride and be as tech savvy as they will certainly be!

Feb 19, 2007

Welcome to my blog

Hi and welcome to my blog. I've set up this blog as a means of documenting the fun and adventure of daily life beginning with the Learning 2.0 at McMaster.

I'm a very busy, active person and there is always something that comes up that makes me wonder and question things. I like to consider that I have a very positive outlook on life and I love to experience different things. Change to me is a great thing, as it keeps the mind active and alive! I don't shy away from things, in fact, my friends would probably say that I'm a bit crazy in the way that I 'jump' into things. To me, it's far better to try something then to never have experienced it at all.

The title for this blog defines what it will be- adventures in life (my life). ;-)