Feb 23, 2007

The road less travelled

I took this picture while hiking up at Mount Nemo. I was intrigued by the way the tree grew from the main trail. Obviously it had fallen over at one point, but still maintained enough contact with the earth to continue growing. The tree overlooked adversity and found a way to continue it's path upwards.

I try to use this image whenever faced with some adversity in life. Should I just throw my hands up in the air and give up, or find a different path to take, maybe the one less travelled, just like the tree! As long as a part of us stays centred on the ground, we can face any challenge that comes our way. Look for the less obvious, and do something with it!!


Margit said...

thanks for reminding me of one of my favoirte poems that I learned in grade school.

Alex said...

The blog looks great R. and remember that you can always import your blog entries into facebook as well! cheers,

Anonymous said...

great photo and great philosophy Rhonda! I'll haev to keep it in mind. Great blog too! - Krista