Mar 20, 2007

Social Bookmarking & Tagging

Well I've found this stuff very interesting indeed. I was amazed at the differences I was coming up with searching my topics in and Google.

I have searched for martial arts information on the web in the past and have found some good information but I've also come up with a large amount of irrelevant information as well- a lot of sites selling equipment or schools teaching martial arts, but not necessarily information on martial arts.

Using, I was quite impressed at how accurate the information was that I was getting. I hit on exactly the types of information I was interested in. When I hit upon a particular site that interested me, I looked at the tags and used them to further refine my search or pull up something that I hadn't fully thought of as a term or tag.

I have created an account in and have been actively adding some great content. I've added some tags and I've also added the buttons on my toolbar for quick access. I can certainly see using this on an ongoing basis. I also love that I can view it on any computer, so I can see my bookmarks at my desk and at home or whereever else I am accessing a computer.

I was so excited about and enjoyed the functionality of it, that I went home and showed my husband. He has a small home business where he winds custom made guitar pickups. He has a website and a blog, so I showed him how useful was for his information. He has already set up an account and is actively setting tags on various things. Another web 2.0 recruit!!

I went onto flickr and got lost in the sea of photos. I love photography and could spend many a day just swimming through the photos on flickr. One particular area that I enjoyed looking at was the photos of the Grand Canyon and the Southwest. I love Ansel Adams photography and the landscape of this area. I certainly hope one day to make it to the Grand Canyon to view it in person, but for now I can enjoy the photos in flickr!! Here is link to one picture (sunrise over the grand canyon) that I particularly love.

Mar 8, 2007

Wikis - week 4

In the past I've experimented with the digital reference shelf wiki using wetpaint, so I ventured into the other test wiki. Using PBWiki for adding my picks (Karate Mummy's picks) was very straight forward and simple. The toughest thing was adding my link to the sidebar, but I quickly figured that out through trial and error (I can be stubborn and if one thing doesn't work, I'll keep trying until something else does).

I can see how useful a wiki might be for organizing lists or keeping information of a similar topic together. I'm thinking of creating one for my group at karate where we can all add our fav. links to karate info. I am planning on using wikispaces as a different option (I like experimenting with different things) for the wiki. I'll document how that goes... stay tuned!

Mar 2, 2007

RSS Feeds

As I sit at home today (with pink eye) I decided to spend some time reading all the various blogs out there. I'm quite impressed with the variety of blogs that the libary staff have created! Some are basic, some of very creative and colourful, some are quite comedic. All are great!

This week's assignment was learning about the world of RSS feeds. I've used Bloglines as an aggregator for quite a while now, so I decided to give Google Reader a try. I must say, I like the different options for viewing and the set up of Google Reader much better than Bloglines. It does come down to personal taste, but I do think that I am going to import the blogs I have on Bloglines into Google Reader. It is more the display I think, over anything else, that I like better. It also has a great search feature.

As with Bloglines, Google Reader has a 'button' that can be added into the favourites menu, so all you have to do is click on the button when you are in a blog that you wish to subscribe to. This way you don't have to go through the dance of copy and pasting and hoping it has worked properly.

I've been enjoying this whole experience so far. It's taking what I already knew and is expanded on it. The best part of course is the playing!!