Mar 8, 2007

Wikis - week 4

In the past I've experimented with the digital reference shelf wiki using wetpaint, so I ventured into the other test wiki. Using PBWiki for adding my picks (Karate Mummy's picks) was very straight forward and simple. The toughest thing was adding my link to the sidebar, but I quickly figured that out through trial and error (I can be stubborn and if one thing doesn't work, I'll keep trying until something else does).

I can see how useful a wiki might be for organizing lists or keeping information of a similar topic together. I'm thinking of creating one for my group at karate where we can all add our fav. links to karate info. I am planning on using wikispaces as a different option (I like experimenting with different things) for the wiki. I'll document how that goes... stay tuned!


Lynn said...

Guess what Rhonda? Alex figured out that the square bracket thing has changed and doesn't seem to be working for making links in the Wiki anymore... so we weren't in outta space after all!

Alex said...

yep, the square bracket syntax which is part of the available wikitext, was not working... Seems to be working again now! cheers,