Jul 4, 2007

Rolling Along

well, the fun continues! My daughter has finally learned to ride her 2 wheel bike and there is no stopping her now. She has a new found freedom in riding her bike, wind blowing through her hair (well, as much as can get through the helmet).

It certainly brought back memories of learning to ride a bike myself. What a difference 30 odd years makes! When I learned it was out of the back parking lot of the apartment and after some scrapes and bruises I was off. Once I learned to ride, I was out there with my friends riding here, there and everywhere. There certainly wasn't the big safety issue of today- helmet? not a chance (I still don't have one!!); my parents said bye at the door and went back inside to do the housework or whatever as I took off for the afternoon.

Do we have this today- no way! Has the media and society made us as parents overly cautious? Am I too overprotective of my children? I am very aware of this and try to give them as much freedom as I think is good, but I certainly do keep an eye on what is going on around and about. I take my kids over to the park and sit on a park bench as they run around, ride their bikes, play with friends. They are going further afield with their play and I'm okay with that. As I sit on the bench, I'm constantly watching the coming and going of people just to be aware of the surroundings. Is this overprotective?

I don't think my daughter feels overprotected as she rides around on her own. She can ride the paths at the park alone and has fun doing so. She doesn't appear to be held back in any way and the smile on her face as she pedals along is something to see! The joys and innocence of childhood. I hope it lasts a good long time yet!!

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