May 7, 2007

Doing something for the community

Saturday, our karate school did a wonderful thing. We held a kickathon to raise money for the community playground. The playground as it is right now, is a very old, rusty, dangerous piece of equipment. My son has fallen on it numerous times and scraped himself up quite badly. The new structure will be up to modern standards and best of all, safe!

The karate students all raised money and on Saturday every person threw 5000 kicks!! The kickers ranged from kids aged 4 up to the adults. There were approx. 80 participants and what a great feeling at the end of it all to know that we had accomplished this feat! The legs were tired, the butts were sore, sweat was rolling, but we all felt great!! What a wonderful feeling to know that you've participated in such a challenge and that the end result will be well worth the effort!

This was a full day event. We had a BBQ, a clown came to entertain the kids, the Reptile Guy was there with his Anaconda and there were raffles. Every bit of money taken in was put into the envelope for the playground. It looks as though our Sensei (who organized the whole thing) reached his desired goal of raising $10,000!!!!!

It is definitely a good feeling to give back. I wish more people would experience this feeling by giving of themselves to help out their community. This world would definitely be a better place!

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