May 2, 2007

Something to Ponder

Well now that Learning 2.0 is over, this blog will get back to the musings and thoughts of life. What makes life the adventure that it is?

I was reminded of a very interesting thing while taking my brown belt test on the weekend. In karate there is a student creed that all students (no matter the age) must memorize and be able to recite when asked. The words in the creed are simple but when one thinks about the meaning behind them, it makes one wonder if this should be a creed for every single person.

The Student Creed-

I will keep my thoughts positive, because my thoughts become my words;
I will keep my words positive, because my words become my actions;
I will keep my actions positive, because my actions become my values;
I will keep my values positive, because my values become my destiny.

Stop and think of the meaning behind these words. Would this not do society good if every person could follow this? Learn these words and try to use them in your every day life.

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